CSGO UPDATE FOR 04/02/2021

Very small update for CSGO that changes few gameplay rules. This update weights 62MB and although release notes only show 2 entries, JuanMataCFC reports that the directory for certain skins in the game was changed from:

.../skin ---->  .../workshop/skin. 

All of the skins in that list are from either the Huntsman or Breakout case. so only those two collections have had their directory changed, for whatever reason.

Short-handed Income

Bonus round money if someone from your team leaves is now given after every round regardless of a win or loss.

Broken Fang Premier team timeouts

The timeout have been changed from 4x half-minute timeouts to 2x one minute timeouts.

Full Release Notes


– Short-handed income is now given after every round regardless of a win or loss.
– Broken Fang Premier team timeouts have changed from 4x half-minute timeouts to 2x one minute timeouts.


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